all night long
dance all night long with these lovely ladies
a collection of games celebrating summer vibes, to celebrate the end of summer
Make a game in 2 hours at Wonderville in Brooklyn!
Each month, we will make short games using simple to use game engines. This is great for beginners who want to make AND FINISH their first game! This is also great for experts who want to flex their skills and meet new people.
This month we are making games with files and folders.
organized a workshop followed by a weeklong jam at boshi's place where people made plunderludic games.
did you ever consider the possibility of making playable videogame collages? the plunderludics working group has been creating tools to make such things more easily come to our workshop and jam this coming week and make your own thing!
we will kick off the jam with a workshop and in person work time with us helping you out then you will have a week to work on your game and on the next sunday, more in person work time, culminating on a moment we can all showcase our work!
Theme Games
- Crash Bandicoot (PS1)
- Glover (N64)
- Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber (N64)
re: imagine the character (zine version)
The Super Mario franchise, originating from Nintendo in 1985, is a seminal work in video game history. Set in the whimsical Mushroom Kingdom, players assume the role of Mario, joined by his brother Luigi, on quests to rescue Princess Peach from the clutches of Bowser. The game mechanics, featuring platforming challenges and strategic power-up items like the Super Mushroom and Fire Flower, offer a diverse and engaging experience. Its enduring popularity and scholarly interest make it a pivotal subject in the gaming industry.
Exploring techniques the artists call "plunderludics," "Mario Tag" is a remix of sorts. By creating a custom emulator that changes how the original game is presented, while keeping the software untouched, "Mario Tag" is a fresh twist on Super Mario Bros: two players embody the iconic plumber, Mario, at the same time, engaging in an electrifying chase through different levels of the Mushroom Kingdom. Adding to the excitement is the 360-degree screen, allowing the pursuit to extend indefinitely. Each time a player dies, the world morphs randomly, injecting unpredictability into the gameplay. The competing Marios try to hold on to a 'ball' for the longest amount of time to win. Experience the fusion of fun and innovation in "Mario Tag," where the pursuit never cease!
spontaneous composition
continental breakfast: select flash games from 2001-2008
Flash games are a time capsule of culture, aesthetics, platforms, games, animation, politics, teenagerdom, and of 2000s internet itself. We did a survey of flash games from 2001-2008 and presented a cross section of them.
adjunct professor @ nyu game center - Game Design 1 (graduate)
graduate level introductory class on designing games, from a analog direction.
adjunct professor @ pratt - Collaborative Game Design
undergraduate introductory class on designing games through collaboration between multiple developers. both a practical and theoretical class understanding games from a mechanical, systemic and narrative perspective, while exploring a wide range of references and creating, playtesting and developing multiple games.
adjunct professor @ pratt - Object Oriented Programming
undergraduate introduction to programming class focused on games. developed my own syllabus in which students develop a simple terminal oriented language with object oriented structures mirroring component systems in mainstream engines. also adding a creative practice on the side for the students to explore their learnings by creating art with processing
adjunct professor @ nyu game center - Intro to Game Dev
undergraduate class focusing on a generalist approach to video game development, programming, visual art, sound, game feel, production, &c; using game maker
adjunct professor @ parsons - Game Craft
undergraduate introductory class on game design and analysis. brough my own perspective as a folk game enjoyer and play-centric designer to write a syllabus from scratch that focused on fast iteration on projects and constant playing and analysing of games, from folk games, to table top rpgs, to board games and larps
zine jam #0
the first iteration of a series of events @ space with no name yet, where people come over and we spend an afternoon making jams about a specific theme
spring salad: a plunderludic gathering
show of mine, gurn group's and jonny's current exploration in plunderludics and adjacent work done by other artists over the years, with works by AP thomson & Bennett Foddy, Alistair Aitcheson, Cory Archangel, Lawra Suits Clark, Patrick Lemieux & Stephanie Boluk
tapestry (tapeçaria) #4
multiple third person games from 5th generation consoles (psx, n64), cut, sampled, limited and blended as such to allow for textural exploration.
a plunderludic experiment that plays with memory and nostalgia and the meaning of moving within and around videogames. exploring the relation of the infinite possibilities of plays within constrained virtual spaces, which sometimes might mean pushing your avatar into a wall until it becomes something else
adjunct professor @ pratt - Game Production 2
working close with the students over a course of a semester to help them develop an entire game from start to finish while learning production and collaboration practices
a group of businessman just arrived in delfino square, and they want to make sure they own all the coins around here. traditional laws of physics don't apply for business. a videogame in the discone universe, exploring ideas of movement through space withing digital worlds and plundercore aesthetics of repurposing assets from existing games into new contexts.
event at local new york city bar displaying multiple games related to skateboarding culture
collecting all mspaint drawings i ever do and remember to save, a lot of math sketches, a bunch of drawings, some clipboard pictures, memes, and stuff im not even sure about
inspired by bereal, a discord channel where people post colors they find. archived and collected into a website
a game made from the translation of its description, for the i'm hungry game jam
Vous contrΓ΄lez un petit rennes qui doit attraper le plus de nourriture possible, il s'agit de pain et de mΓ»res. Plus vous attrapez de, plus la nourriture va vite et plus il est compliquΓ© de l'attraper. En haut Γ droite, vous voyez qu'il y a votre tableau de bord, chaque aliment pΓͺchΓ© vaut un point. Et en haut Γ gauche, il y a un panneau qui vous montre combien d'aliments vous n'avez pas attrapΓ©s. Attention ! au bout d'une dizaine d'aliments non attrapΓ©s vous perdez et le jeu affiche alors Β« GAME OVER ! Β», alors il faut appuyer sur enter pour recommencer.
Les commandes sont : la flèche droite pour se déplacer vers la droite, la flèche gauche pour se déplacer vers la gauche et la flèche vers le haut pour sauter. C'est si simple !
a collection of microgames made with the paradise game making community to commemorate 100 users on the discord. its very hard to make 100 games, but we might as well try. made coin scratching game with brin.
a collection of writing and art done by/with the game making community of paradise, i wrote the skate games essay and helped edit some of the other essays.
mfa @ nyu game center
i'm a master of fine arts in game design!
every monday we pick 2 games for each other to play, exploring our tastes and interests while having deep (and sometimes just obnoxious) conversations about games and their making
run & jump around a giant imponderable world with affecting characters at first alone in pondlife: discone (a videogame)
a social party game designed in collaboration with TJ Spalty, Julian Spinelli, and Mut. Signed to be published by The Op (usaopoly), publishers of Monopoly, Clue, and Telestrations. expected release soon
game made for a gamejam with a gamefeel study group where we first spent an hour exploring the feel of real bananas, squishing, smacking, eating, twisting, &c and then made a game based on the feeling over the next meeting (try finding who didn't squish bananas)
Ram Rush is a two-player real-time game where you play as two rams trying to headbutt each other off a mountain. Your ram honor is on the line, so add chips to the battle lane until one of you falls to your doom. Ready, set, GO-AT!
made a new webpage everyday for 40 days
event at local new york city bar displaying multiple games related to valentines day
a series of events for playing and exploring folk games in public
a funny little website about strolling through a park in a post internet world. started as a student project in 2021, but in continuous development ever since
a moody game about navigating a maze with a sensitive candle. inspired by the candle scene in Tarkovsky's the mirror
a local multiplayer control swapping skate like!
vertex paintings
digital paintings made by using vertex color painting on a triangular mesh. a very fun technique thaught by chris makris

13 weeks of making game prototypes. highlights include sysiphean mario golfing, some plunderludics, a sensual controller game and recovering the long lost Balrog The Frog DSi arcade game...
golf in the desert
teaching assistant @ nyu game center
worked as a teaching assistant for: intro to game development, bfa (summer 21), intermediate game design, bfa (fall 21), game studio 2, mfa (spring 22)
a card game about taking care of your creatures, trading them with your friends, receiving and making marks and letting go. blending the lines between collectable, role playing and memento.
here are my current hugkin:

second 8-episode season of our weekly 4-hour gamejam stream (see cacadores de jam season 1, 2020)
first 8-episode season of our weekly 4-hour gamejam stream. every week, me kosha, lama and sometime guests would find a gamejam that was happening on itch.io and submit a game to it made on stream. as a bonus end of season show, we did a weekend long session polishing one of the games, super altinha soccer
pesujo TV
a twitch stream variety collective focused on alternative art making.
online multiplayer physics based dog park simulation. every player has a dog that behaved by itself, wanting to interact with balls, other dogs and other players in the world. we hope your leash is working well if you want to go anywhere.
I made this game 20 minutes before LD jam submission time because for some reason I felt like I should
In this campy, theatrical, romantic comedy, play as the Hero, recruited to defeat Godzilla! Take his shopping list, get him gifts, make friends, and set up the townsfolk! Maybe even you will fall in love!!
You just found this a visual novel I made based on Italo Calvino's if on a Winter's Night a traveler. If you know that book, you might already know the following spoilers: the text will be very meta and probably be interspersed between moments of "you", as a character reading it and short experimental texts in multiple narratives. Eventually I wish to implement a way so you can skip to the chapter you want to, just as in a real book.
Out of Ctrl
Re: Imagine the Character
a videogame about how imagination is the most powerful game mechanic
a game about how narrative can explode from a single word
a game where you teach blood vessels, one at a time, to move around the body to give oxigen to the parts that need it
software developer engineer @ Gears of War - The Coalition - Microsoft
working on the services team on the months leading to the release of Gears V, working on a variety of projects such as stress testing the servers to make sure they would handle the load on release day and being in conversation with the research team behind TrueSkill to create a better designed matchmaking user experience after the games's release
natureza morta
a painting i think turned out pretty good. made me certain that i can do it, and that painting is mostly a lot of work. trace trace trace.

game i made for ludum dare 43, just for the sake of doing something
a short intro video made for brasilia's 7th international short movie festival
Sabado Prime
Jogo De Luta Ultra Realista Para Fliperamas
the most realistic fighting game i know of
Jogo De Fazer Highscore Altamente Competitivo
the most cutthroat competitive arcade game i know of
Terra Nova
atelie xinela
FOFA 2018
Player Alone Battlegrounds
an infinite exquisite corpse inspired panel, that grows in all directions
Good Vibes
bsc computer engineering @ ITA
i'm an computer engineer
Poke Mongo
software development engineer intern @ Halo - 343 industries - microsoft
working on developing an internal web tool for analysing lobbies with the services team at 343, working in halo
Revolution 10
Monocular Rift
software development engineer intern @ bing ads - microsoft
working on prototyping a migration of the bing ads billing web app from ASP.NET to modern javascript frameworks, at first react and then knockout.js
my first ever ludum dare, 33, a local multiplayer almost coop game, where one of the players know they are the monster and have to work against the group, but without being killed themselves
software development engineer intern @ bing ads - microsoft
worked in improving performance on large queries and a refactoring project for using a new querying library on bing ads billing backend
the first game i've ever made, with XNA, long lost to switching computers, but i might try recovering it someday
the first game jam i've ever participated with. play as a ragnarok online mage and control your skills properly to get the highest score possible
powerpoints animations
powerpoint animations I made in 2004, the first videogame adjacent content I remember to have made
being born
i don't really remember, but i guess it was hard